Endeavour Speak Up is our 24/7 independent reporting service.

We encourage employees to report any behaviour that violates our policies, standards or our Code of Business Conduct and Ethics including fraudulent, unethical or illegal financial activity. Endeavour takes concerns seriously and handles them promptly.
Our people are our most important asset, and we want you to feel supported in speaking up.
Find out more
Report a concern
Ask yourself
- Is it legal?
- Is it the right thing to do?
- How would it look to those outside Endeavour?
- Could I justify my actions to friends and family?
- How will I feel about my decision in a week’s time?
It is important that you feel you can report issues without fear of dismissal, disciplinary action or retaliation of any kind. Those reporting in good faith will not be charged, disciplined, threatened or discriminated against.
Suppliers are expected to instruct their directors, officers, employers and subcontractors to report suspected violations of this Supplier Code of Conduct or Endeavour’s policies to a confidential and anonymous whistleblower hotline.

Whistleblower Line
Cote d'Ivoire, Mali, Burkina Faso, Senegal
Call collect/reverse charge:
United Kingdom call toll free:
North America call toll free:
Rapportez l’incident
Si vous êtes témoin de comportements illégaux dans votre lieu de travail, merci de contacter WhistleBlowerSecurity.
Étape 1 : Appelez votre opérateur international.
Étape 2 : Demandez à l’opérateur de placer un appel international à vrais virés au +1-604-922-5953.
Étape 3 : Lorsque l’appel est accepté par WhistleBlower, dites « WhistleBlower, pourrais-je parler à un agent francophone s’il vous plaît ? »
Étape 4 : Expliquez l’incident à cet agent. Votre appel reste anonyme.
Côte d'Ivoire, Mali, Burkina Faso, Sénégal Appelez en PCV (numéro vert) au: |
+1-604-922-5953 |
Royaume-Uni, composez le: | 0-800-092-3586 |
Amérique du Nord, composez le: | +1-866-921-6714 |
Courriel: | endeavourmining@integritycounts.ca |
Site Web: | www.integritycounts.ca/org/endeavourmining |