As guests in our host countries, we recognise the importance of building and maintaining trust through effective and respectful community engagement as well as providing positive benefits and shared value from our presence.

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Our communities

Our approach

For us, this means contributing to the prosperity of our communities and countries by creating jobs, supporting local businesses, developing local talent and contributing to the socio-economic development. At the same time, we strive to avoid or minimise our negative impacts and proactively implement responsible mitigation measures when this is not possible.

Our projects

Our mining operations are powerful catalysts for socio-economic development and important contributors to the prosperity of our host countries and local communities, through job creation, education and training, local procurement, the fair and transparent payment of taxes and our social investments. 

Our social investment strategy is centred around four key themes, economic development, education, health, and access to water and energy, which are implemented at the site level through a whole host of different community projects and income-generating activities (“IGA”), and our wholly owned Endeavour Foundation, which executes regional, national and cross-border initiatives.

Economic development



Access to water and energy

Examples of our programmes

Cooperative gardening project

at Sabodala-Massawa, encompassing 12 villages and 1,729 women working actively on a daily basis. In 2023, this cooperative has produced 50 tonnes of vegetables, generating a net profit of approximately $100,000.

Water supply system

funded by Sabodala-Massawa is providing potable water to 492 households. The water system functions using solar energy, with taps installed in each household.

500 bottles of gas

donated by Houndé to 244 women from seven villages for cooking. As well as contributing to the LRP for the Kari extension, this project aims to prevent trees being cut down for firewood, with its related impact on biodiversity.

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Sustainable land management project

being implemented at Mana to strengthen the capabilities of farmers – specifically in techniques such as the construction of anti-erosion bunds in fields to counter soil infertility and increase the resilience of agricultural land.

Gateway to economic opportunities

Education liberates the intellect, unlocks the imagination and is fundamental for self-respect. It is the key to prosperity and opens a world of opportunities.

Education is a key priority of ours. See our 2023 Sustainability Report to learn how our range of programmes have enabled us to reach thousands of community members at all stages of learning, from primary to tertiary-level education, as well as adult literacy and numeracy courses, vocational training and internships. 


$1.2 billion

81% of total budget, spent on in-country suppliers


national and local suppliers supported

$11.9 million

contributed to local mining development funds


initiatives focused on female entrepreneurs in the supply chain

$4 million

invested in community projects


third-party audits for major suppliers at Houndé, focusing on labour and human rights

2024 Targets

Organise ‘Caravane de Santé’ to provide free health screening to our host communities

Implement pilot malaria community health programme at our Ity mine

Audit our grievance mechanism against the UN Guiding Principle 22

Local content procurement target of 80% Group-wide spend, including at least 35% from national suppliers and a minimum of 3% from local suppliers within the mine catchment area

Sustainability Report 2023


Read about our ESG strategy and the significant sustainability milestones reached in 2023.

Sustainability Report 2023

Ity Women in Mining

Our communities

Diversity and inclusion in communities

We are empowering young girls in Ity by providing them with essential documentation and educational support. Forty-six vulnerable girls aged 5-8 have received birth certificates, granting them official recognition and opening doors to future opportunities. These vital documents often go overlooked but are crucial for a child's development and well-being.

To further support these girls' futures, we have implemented a program providing school uniforms, supplies, and registration fee assistance to girls from economically and socially disadvantaged families. By ensuring access to primary education, we aim to reduce dropout rates, increase literacy and employability, and break the cycle of poverty. This holistic approach empowers young girls to reach their full potential and build brighter futures.